Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I've been seeing the word "contract" a lot in the news lately. Coach Elson was bought out of his contract for $500,000, Larry johnson was released from the Cheifs today and they had to pick up the remaing $2 million on his contract, and AI (apparently) walked away from his team before fullfilling a one year contract.
What does contract mean anymore? It used to be a a binding legal agreement that two parties would sign, expecting their counterpart to deliver. These days it's nothing more than a peice of paper with a couple signatures and a slight chance that the actual agreement will ever become reality.
I understand that minds change and things happen, but what ever happened to the old days when you did what you promised to do or everyone held you accountable? It's probably not going to change and in fact it will probably get worse, but it sure would be nice to see a player or anyone for that matter, get some national pub. for signing a contract with very few clauses, if any, and sticking to it (through good times and bad) because thats what they promised to do.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Salary Caps

I know I'm usually referring to sports in most of my blogs but athletics intrigue me and they do make up a large portion of the economy in terms of entertainment. So...with that being said I want to discuss the salaries in MLB....
Usually the topic of most major league sports is the extreme salaries that the players make and if they really deserve those salaries. I believe that the players do deserve those salaries and have earned them, however, I am more concerned with teams and organizations having the power to spend as much money as they want, on who they want, anytime they want to. The whole idea behind a salary cap is to keep a competitive playing field, but MLB has seemed to ignore that fact.
For Example.....
of the 8 teams that made the playoffs this year 5 of them were in the top ten in terms of total team salaries. In the final four teams all were in the top ten and two were in the top 5. No team outside the top 18 top salaries made the playoffs.
Now I have no idea if having a salary cap would increase the profitablity of MLB but I do know that it would spread the talent in the league equally among teams, and instead of seeing teams like the yankees, win 28 world championships, we would see a more competitive league and an array of teams holding the crown.
Basically I'm tired of seeing large market teams be succesful. It might be good for business but it's bad for baseball. "America's Past time" shouldn't be about who can purchase the best team but who can build the best team based on team chemistry and hard work. If the Yankees win this year their owner, George Steinbrenner, will have bought everything for his ball club, the players, the stadium, and the ring. As for me, give me the Florida Marlins of 2003. They won a championship with the leagues second lowest Salary. That is a ring with more than just money behind it, but meaning.

Don't forget to Vote for BIG RED for captiol one mascot of the year.....He's number three right now and he's beating a lot of schools that spend more money on marketing their school and mascot than we do!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


(CNN) -- California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a new bill into law Sunday that will fine paparazzi for taking photos that invade a celebrity's right to privacy. The law also targets media outlets who purchase the photos.

All I can say is it is about time. How many times have you seen swarms of photographers chasing celebrities down the street, into stores, or in traffic? I realize that with celebrity status comes unwelcomed attention and I'm sure the celebrities realize this too but when and where do celebrities get to enjoy their freedoms?

The paparazzi are trying to fight the bill claiming it will violate the first amendent, peoples right to know. Isn't that commical, the papparazzi are actually fighting for peoples rights. What would we be without the them? We obviously wouldn't KNOW anything...especially important stuff like who Brittany Spears hooked up wiht last night or how much weight Oprah has put on since last year. I mean it's obvious that my right to know these things is a lot more important than the actors right for privacy. Right?

Monday, October 12, 2009


If you hadn't noticed it is Breast Cancer awareness month and many professional sports teams were sporting pink (wrist bands, shoes, gloves) this past weekend to help raise awareness. I enjoy the different ways the league and players promote Breast Cancer Awareness and Im glad that the NFL and other leagues are doing their part in educating the public about breast cancer. However, it seems like they spend a lot of money on the pink shoes, gloves and wristbands and I was wondering if the money spent on all of these items is worth the investment. I'm not sure if it is either but it's something to think about. Maybe the money spent on gear would be better served as a donation and instead marketing could focus on individual athletes. The could interview players that have been affected by breast cancer and use their message to market the program. This way the audience is still captured, the message will be clear and it will be cheaper than purchasing a bunch of gear. Just a thought.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I was watching a clip today on CNN about a recent skit done by SNL. The topic of the skit was President Obama and how he hasnt been able to deliver on any of his "Promises" that would "Change" our country. A guest on the show expressed her concern for the president. She is afraid that SNL could change the publics view on Obama's presidency (turn him into the joke instead of making him part of the joke).
Why is she so concerned about the presidents' well-being? Isnt it the people that she should be concerned about? Ok so maybe SNL took some shots at Obama this, you would think, should help his presidency. Who wants to get made fun of on SNL? If i were him I would make some changes to avoid the criticism.
SNL is the voice of people who are too afraid to say something or dont have the voice to be heard. Well lets just consider SNL to be "the people's" part of the checks and balance system. If he doesn't make a change or come through with his promises SNL is going to let him know. Even If the publics view of him changes and we all start considering him a joke because he hasnt delivered then whats the big deal? If he doesn't make good on his promises then he is the joke and it's the American people who will be paying for the laughs.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Game

Saturday started out as a bad day so I wasn't surprised that ended the same way. I woke up at about 11 a.m. (Lazy I know, but one has to be rested for a day of tailgating and football) only to be disappointed by the rain outside. I stayed positive nonetheless.
Driving up to tailgate my attitude about the day immediately changed. I saw that there were not just a few tailgaters but a large group of hardcore fans that were willing to tough it out in the rain. I couldn't help but smile and have a sudden increase in pride for my school. But that would all change soon.....
At kickoff I had my second big upset aside from the weather. Our classmate and my good friend Jake Gaebler would be sidelined due to injury but I remained positive. The game definitely didn't encourage me any. We were beat from the word go. It felt like we were the better team but for some unknown reason we were being out played. I couldn't explain the loss but it did remind me of how I felt when I was playing and we lost. To make it worse, it was to a 1aa school. many would say that it was a gimmie game, but don't be fooled. They were an exceptional 1aa school but all excuses aside, we should have won.
However, all the emotions from the game couldn't even come close to the emotions I felt towards the fans sitting next to me in the stands. I can't even begin to describe the resentment I have towards fans that are ignorant, obnoxious and embarrassing.
I'm not trying to say that a fan should just sit there quietly without any emotional attachment to the game, but when fans are cheering for the other team when they score, chanting, "Fire Elson!" or putting down teammates and more importantly friends of mine I get upset. There was a grown man doing most of this with two kids. What kind of role model was he trying to be for his children? "Hey act like you like this team but when they do bad make sure and say things to make them feel terrible. Never mind the fact that they are college athletes that can do things your father never could athletically but make sure and sit up here and make fun of them it brings them to your level. Trust me son, your team will respond to this kind of treatment"
I was inclined to start a chant, "Fire your dad," but I refrained.
How could a grown man act this way, so negative? You would think that he wasn't hugged enough as a kid and for cheap fun he goes to college football games and makes fun of teenagers and young adults. And I'm sure he knows the game, I mean he did buy NCAA 09 Football for his kid and with Corso's help probably put on a clinic, beating his son and telling him he sucks and should be fired.
Basically what I am trying to say is that I can tolerate my team losing 100 times to a sub-talented team before I could sit and listen to fans that are nothing but posers. No matter how bad your team is doing, you should have the respect for them and yourself to at least fake that you still support them (fake it until you make it). Instead I see these parents at games dogging the players, but on family day they are first in line with their kids to get autographs.
"If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." That should be the motto of every true fan.
Or for most of our fans, "If you don't have anything smart to say, don't say anything at all!"
Either way, Saturday gave me a view from the other side or the fence, and it sucked to be honest.
The WKU football team may win/lose every game from this point on, but they have my full commitment either way.

I might drive to that guys work today, go up in his office and start a chant, "Fire Steve! He sucks!" If anyone wants to ride with me. I'm going to take his kids so they can see how his father reacts under pressure.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day One

This is my first blog. Don't have much to say now but there is good stuff on the way.