Monday, October 26, 2009

Salary Caps

I know I'm usually referring to sports in most of my blogs but athletics intrigue me and they do make up a large portion of the economy in terms of entertainment. So...with that being said I want to discuss the salaries in MLB....
Usually the topic of most major league sports is the extreme salaries that the players make and if they really deserve those salaries. I believe that the players do deserve those salaries and have earned them, however, I am more concerned with teams and organizations having the power to spend as much money as they want, on who they want, anytime they want to. The whole idea behind a salary cap is to keep a competitive playing field, but MLB has seemed to ignore that fact.
For Example.....
of the 8 teams that made the playoffs this year 5 of them were in the top ten in terms of total team salaries. In the final four teams all were in the top ten and two were in the top 5. No team outside the top 18 top salaries made the playoffs.
Now I have no idea if having a salary cap would increase the profitablity of MLB but I do know that it would spread the talent in the league equally among teams, and instead of seeing teams like the yankees, win 28 world championships, we would see a more competitive league and an array of teams holding the crown.
Basically I'm tired of seeing large market teams be succesful. It might be good for business but it's bad for baseball. "America's Past time" shouldn't be about who can purchase the best team but who can build the best team based on team chemistry and hard work. If the Yankees win this year their owner, George Steinbrenner, will have bought everything for his ball club, the players, the stadium, and the ring. As for me, give me the Florida Marlins of 2003. They won a championship with the leagues second lowest Salary. That is a ring with more than just money behind it, but meaning.

Don't forget to Vote for BIG RED for captiol one mascot of the year.....He's number three right now and he's beating a lot of schools that spend more money on marketing their school and mascot than we do!

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