Wednesday, October 14, 2009


(CNN) -- California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a new bill into law Sunday that will fine paparazzi for taking photos that invade a celebrity's right to privacy. The law also targets media outlets who purchase the photos.

All I can say is it is about time. How many times have you seen swarms of photographers chasing celebrities down the street, into stores, or in traffic? I realize that with celebrity status comes unwelcomed attention and I'm sure the celebrities realize this too but when and where do celebrities get to enjoy their freedoms?

The paparazzi are trying to fight the bill claiming it will violate the first amendent, peoples right to know. Isn't that commical, the papparazzi are actually fighting for peoples rights. What would we be without the them? We obviously wouldn't KNOW anything...especially important stuff like who Brittany Spears hooked up wiht last night or how much weight Oprah has put on since last year. I mean it's obvious that my right to know these things is a lot more important than the actors right for privacy. Right?

Monday, October 12, 2009


If you hadn't noticed it is Breast Cancer awareness month and many professional sports teams were sporting pink (wrist bands, shoes, gloves) this past weekend to help raise awareness. I enjoy the different ways the league and players promote Breast Cancer Awareness and Im glad that the NFL and other leagues are doing their part in educating the public about breast cancer. However, it seems like they spend a lot of money on the pink shoes, gloves and wristbands and I was wondering if the money spent on all of these items is worth the investment. I'm not sure if it is either but it's something to think about. Maybe the money spent on gear would be better served as a donation and instead marketing could focus on individual athletes. The could interview players that have been affected by breast cancer and use their message to market the program. This way the audience is still captured, the message will be clear and it will be cheaper than purchasing a bunch of gear. Just a thought.