Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I've been seeing the word "contract" a lot in the news lately. Coach Elson was bought out of his contract for $500,000, Larry johnson was released from the Cheifs today and they had to pick up the remaing $2 million on his contract, and AI (apparently) walked away from his team before fullfilling a one year contract.
What does contract mean anymore? It used to be a a binding legal agreement that two parties would sign, expecting their counterpart to deliver. These days it's nothing more than a peice of paper with a couple signatures and a slight chance that the actual agreement will ever become reality.
I understand that minds change and things happen, but what ever happened to the old days when you did what you promised to do or everyone held you accountable? It's probably not going to change and in fact it will probably get worse, but it sure would be nice to see a player or anyone for that matter, get some national pub. for signing a contract with very few clauses, if any, and sticking to it (through good times and bad) because thats what they promised to do.

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